If you’ve been on Instagram or FB long enough, you know that when it comes to taking the “perfect” selfies, clear, smooth and blemish-free skin is a must. And if good skin days don’t come by often, you can always count on a filter to instantly perfect your skin, am I right?
There are also many instances where you HAVE to go bare-faced. I mean, who swims with full-on makeup? And who wants to feel the NEED to apply makeup when you run a quick errand, go to the gym, or pick the kids up from school?
A MUCH MUCH MUCH better alternative is to start taking better care of your skin. Simple as that. Start investing in healing and nourishing facials and a home care routine that addresses all of your skin’s needs! Beautiful, healthy, glowing skin not only lets you proudly go #nofilter and #nomakeup, it’s also one of the surest signs of good health
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