I love my client! I want her to feel beautiful and confident in her skin! My client and I have both worked hard to make huge improvements in a little over 6 months and we have only just begun.
Acne scars suck. Every time you look in the mirror you see the trauma your skin went through…and this can haunt you for the rest of your life. You survived the acne battle and now have the damage to show for it!
Sadly, many of the “solutions” offered to acne patients include BPO, salicylic acid, antibiotics, and steroid injections which arrests the wound in process….leaving you with worse scarring (btw, this is NOT how I approach healing acne, instead I eliminate the source that is causing it)
I don’t believe in addressing damage with more damage (acid peels, laser treatments, etc…) This makes no sense to me.
Instead, I focus on actually repairing the skin using a DNA repair strategy! This approach gives the skin tools that it needs to begin the repair process. Our skin is very capable of a certain level of repair that it can do on its own!
It’s important to understand that you cannot focus on healing scarring if you’re still dealing with a toxicity issue. Acne is a toxin problem and until you address the root cause, you don’t want to stimulate the wound repair process. This will cause skin to purge even more which just creates the potential of more scarring!
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