That is the question! But more importantly, do you trust me? That is the bigger question, because what I am about to tell you, you might not like.
The Truth About Lasers
It is true that sometimes laser treatments will in fact make your skin look better, I’m not arguing that point. However, the question is do they make your skin healthier? Remember, lasers are essentially causing heat damage to your face. That the effects of heat damage include swelling and skin contraction from tissue loss, so initially, your face may appear to look better. But don’t be fooled, because appearances may be deceiving. Laser treatments are not rebuilding tissue or rejuvenating your skin.
What is REALLY Happening to Your Face?
When we become inflamed from a laser treatment, the lines look better for a few days as the body attempts to heal the damage and the tissue begins to retract. Both reactions may make lines look better and help soften scarring. However, over time, the wounds heal and the skin is no longer swollen or retracted. And your WORST NIGHTMARE comes true: the results will fade. If the laser treatment was aggressive enough, it might take a full year for results to diminish. But they do diminish. And, bear in mind that repaired skin never quite regains its original health or strength.
Don’t get me wrong. Lasers are not all bad. They can be effective at closing vascular abnormalities and breaking up scar tissue. But using the laser to close facial capillaries and refine lines comes at a steep cost. The heat damaged collagen, swelling and inflammation are not good for the general health of the skin.
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