Well, at least HOT water is!
I’m not trying to insult your intelligence but so many people wash their faces with HOT water! I come across this ALL the time!
Hot water strips your skin’s moisture barrier, so it’s actually considered to be an irritant! Yes, a steaming-hot shower feels excellent on freezing cold mornings and nights, but the water will literally strip away your skin’s lipids, leaving you red, irritated, and itchy.
This is especially harmful for those with eczema, psoriasis, keratosis Polaris, rosacea or acne due to an already impaired barrier. Plus, drying out your skin will put your oil production into overdrive, leading to more acne and breakouts. Those with already dry/dehydrated skin must also be very careful because hot water will only make your skin more dry!
At the very least, I ask my clients to please wash their FACE with cool/tepid water. If we want to heal and repair the skin, the hot water has to go!
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